Job Tips and Job News – IT Resume Writing Don’ts

Graphics: Though graphics were very popular at one point, they are quickly fading from the public’s perception of style. If you have graphics, make sure they enhance your resume rather than serving to entertain the reader. This will be viewed as childish and will probably result in your resume being thrown away.

Excessive use of Features: Yes, you are applying for an IT position, and yes, the employer probably knows that you are familiar with the different features of Microsoft Word. You do not need to flaunt this ability, so keep that in mind. In other words: keep it simple!

No Vertical Lines: Many people tend to make the mistake of using vertical lines in their resume. You should avoid doing this as much as possible, as it can completely destroy the message of your resume. It looks unprofessional, and if submitted electronically the vertical lines can cause problems.

These are just a few tips that will help you with the creation of your resume. If you do it right, you will have a great IT resume that represents you well. If you do it wrong, you could have a disaster on your hands that will take years to rectify. That being said, do it right the first time!


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Category: IT resume

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