IT Management: How Your Salary Stacks Up Against Other IT Pros’
How does your current salary compare with national averages for technology occupations? It’s no secret that where you live in the country may have a big impact on what you make, but so can benefits and the cost of living in a given region. Salaries tend to be higher in the Northeast and West Coast cities, while cost of living tends to be lower in the South and Midwest. The following gallery is a clean look at 13 of the most common technology job titles and the national averages of those job titles based on years of experience from one year to 10 years and beyond. Job titles include Data Analyst, Database Administrator, Hardware Engineer, IT Analyst, Network Administrator, Network Engineer, Product Manager, Project Manager, Software Engineer, Systems Administrator, Systems Analyst, Systems Engineer and Technical Support Engineer. The data was provided by based on a wealth of information shared anonymously by employees of major U.S. companies through Sept. 16. Glassdoor is unique in that its information on salary, benefits and views of company executives come directly from employee resources without the filter of gatekeepers.
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